최고의 대학 주인 프로그램들 입력 크로아티아 2025
EIT RawMaterials Academy - TIMREX
EIT RawMaterials Academy - TIMREX
- Miskolc, 헝가리
- Zagreb, 크로아티아 + 2 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC)
European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC)
- Rotterdam, 네덜란드
- Bilbao, 에스파냐 + 5 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability
EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability
- La Rochelle, 프랑스
- Athens, 그리스 + 4 더
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
Algebra University
Algebra University
- Zagreb, 크로아티아
- Zadar, 크로아티아
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture
University of Zagreb - Faculty of Agriculture
- Zagreb, 크로아티아
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Zadar
University of Zadar
- Zadar, 크로아티아
자 다르는 크로아티아에서 가장 긴 수세기의 대학 전통을 가지고 있습니다. 10 세기에 처음 언급 된 교회 교육의 전통에 따라 도미니카 고등 교육 기관인 Studium generale (나중에 Universitas Iadertina로 알려짐)가 6 월 14 일에 설립되었습니다. 1396.
University of Rijeka Department of Mathematics
University of Rijeka Department of Mathematics
- Rijeka, 크로아티아
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
EFST Summer School
EFST Summer School
- Split, 크로아티아
경제, 비즈니스 및 관광 학부 스플리트는 2019년 6월 10일부터 14일까지 크로아티아의 아름다운 스플리트에서 열리는 두 번째 국제 여름 학교 주제 "지역 개발 및 정책 - 새로운 개념화 및 현실 확인"을 발표하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
University Of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics and Business
University Of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics and Business
- Rijeka, 크로아티아
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
University of Dubrovnik
University of Dubrovnik
- Dubrovnik, 크로아티아
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...